Android operating system, developed by Google and launched aboard Google Nexus Smartphone last year, has managed to take the smartphone market by storm. Earlier, smartphones used to mean a QWERTY or alphanumeric input handset running either on Blackberry, Symbian or Windows Mobile. iPhone, although quite popular, still was the choice of more socially upward mobile consumers. Coming of Android changed all the equations of the market and has written new ground rules for Smartphone’s.
Motorola Xoom |
Most of this spectacular growth can be attributed to the R&D efforts put in by the developers in releasing updates and providing adequate applications for the consumers. Since the initial release of Android OS in October 2008, there have been six versions released in the market, namely, Cupcake, Donut, Éclair, Froyo, and Gingerbread. A version for tablets – Honeycomb, has also been launched, which comes loaded on Motorola Xoom.
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